Conventional Farming = Pesticides, Less Nutrition, Environmental and Animal Welfare Concerns
Conventional farming adds poisons to the soil and to the foods you eat. This destroys the ecosystem, is especially harmful to bees, and degrades the soil over time. In fact, an analysis of tests done by the Department of Agriculture showed 70% of samples of conventional produce was shown to be contaminated with pesticides (source: If that is not bad enough, shipping food from conventional mega farms adds to the carbon foot print. Food produced in this manner requires storing and shipping products long distances. This is bad for the planet and the nutritional value of fresh fruits and vegetables degrades over time. If you want to know more about factory farming. I found a great infographic that I posted
here. If you want to know more about sustainable farming practices and soil quality, I highly recommend reading Kiss the Ground. You will not be disappointed.
Organic Farming = No Pesticide Residues, High Nutritional Value, Support of Local farmers and CSA Groups
What can you do as consumer? Get to know where your food comes from. Visit small, local farms that support growing organic. Purchasing organic fruits, vegetables, eggs, meats, cheese, and milk at a local farmer's market or through a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program supports your local farmer, encourages sustainable, humane farming practices, ensures you're eating more nutrient dense foods, and teaches this and future generations where food actually comes from. If you need to find a local farmer's market, a CSA program, or just want to find out about local farms in your area, visit Local Harvest ( Instead of a weekly trip to the grocery store, you can go to a farmer's market or a pick up spot in the case of a CSA and get your produce, meats, and dairy from local sources instead.
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